
Oberheim TEO-5 Editor

TEO-5 Edit V2 I have added a 3rd Tab to the editor which gives access to some of the sequencer and a simpler editing page based on the SEM called the Semulator: MAC Standalone V2 MAC AU Component V2 (Intel Only) MAC VST V2 (Intel Only) PC Standalone V2 V2 includes the original V1 editor  Main Editor Page Matrix Mod and File Page New editor page giving you a simple 16 Step Sequencer and a SEM editor - the Semulator The sequencer is useful for recording and editing monophonic lines - might do a full polyphonic version but not sure I would ever use it. The Semulator is just a bit of fun and just gives you access to the same controls and modulators of the original SEM. It's best to start with a basic program and use it like a soft synth. Note that VCO1 and 2 are swapped around because on the original SEM VCO2 synced to VCO1 - on the TEO it's the other way around.   The modulators specifically use the first 3 slots of the MOD MATRIX - just click on SOURCE box to setup the Mod Matri...

Roland RD88 Editor Panel

This is a free stand alone editor built using CTRLR. Tested on Mac 10.15  Catalina and Windows 7 and Windows 10. Users tell me that my editors also run on later M1 Macs. Let me know in the comments if you can confirm this. Features: Fast recall of all Scene parameters including Common, Tones, Zones and effects Rename scenes - you still have to remember press "Write" to store on RD88 Handy buttons for creation of Splits and Layers Mute buttons for each Tone Over 3000 tones are accessible from the Tone Tabs Standalone versions for Mac and PC  Here's a link to the video demo. RD88 Demo Video Part 1/2 RD88 Demo Video Part 3 Download Links RD-88 Mac RD-88 AU Plugin  does not run in Logic 10.6 RD-88 VST Mac RD-88 PC RD88 editor running as AU component You can edit all the 90 MFX effects BUT I have only added the parameter names and ranges for the ones I use - about 10 effects. Sliders for each parameter are there when you recall an effect but many are just labelled...

CTRLR Panels Collection

JU06A : RD-88 : SHO1A : Pro Solo MK3   TC M350 : UB-Xa : TEO-5 I thought it would be useful to create a single post for my CTRLR panels. There are  Mac and a PC versions: Mac Editors tested up to OS 15 Catalina - reports from users that it works on later Macs PC Editors tested and working on Windows 7  and 10 Mac AU component tested in Live 10 and Logic 10.6  Mac VST created in Reaper tested on Cubase AI 10.5 and Live 10 (Plugins are not compatible with later Macs) Installation Note : if you get the message that the app is from an unknown developer and can't be opened got the Security panel in System Preferences and grant access: Roland RD88 More Info Here RD-88 Mac RD-88 AU Plugin RD-88 VST Mac Note: AU does not work in Logic 10.6 but works in Live and Reaper RD-88 PC Roland SH-01A SH-01A Mac SH-01A AU Plug In SH-01A Mac VST SH-01A PC Roland JU06a More info here JU-06A Mac JU-06A AU Plugin JU06A Mac VST Note: AU will crash Logic 10.6 unless you can filter out S...

Behringer UB-Xa Editor

UB-Xa Edit V2 - Released Update - new version is here  UB-Xa V5 Behringer have just released a firmware update V2.0 ( 000.003.117).  This includes new features which changes some of the Sysex Data. Latest version is 1.63and has a couple of important bug fixes that were affecting Local Control menu. This release has an updated Atrophy Page and code so Presets will recall stored Atrophy settings.  Version 1 - History Patch Editor Matrix Editor New Atrophy Page Windows Version Setup: The App is not signed so Mac Gatekeeper will probably throw up a dialog that this is from an unknown developer. Just load Security and Privacy from System Preferences and select Open Anyway. You only have to this on first run. From the MIDI menu set you MIDI IO.  You may need to reload the app so the MIDI devices are refreshed: MIDI IN = UB-Xa MIDI OUT = UB-Xa CONTROLLER = NONE The editor uses NRPN messages so you need enable these in the UB-Xa menus. The editor will automatically update th...

MIDI Drawbars - based on D9U

 When Guido Scognamiglio (Zioguido, GSi) released the D9U drawbard kit on GM-Lab I ordered the kit and built it. It was my first experience of the programming an Arduino Pro Micro and thanks to his excellent code I was able to modify and improve the unit. I then went on to build many projects based on the Pro Micro. GM-LAB I sold the D9U then picked up a set of old Hammond MIDI drawbars so I was able to build a unit based on Guido's design. One thing I didn't like about the D9U was the tiny micro switch at the back of the unit. This was used to switch between 2 sets of drawbars. I realised that it would be easy to use a rotary switch instead and then change the code to allow the adjustment of 4 sets of drawbars. Th CCs for the drawbars are stored in an array: int CCMap[4][9] = { { 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20},  // Upper B { 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 },  //  Upper A { 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 },  // Lower B { 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, ...

Keydown weights Nord etc.

The Nord Electro 6D has a Fatar TP/80 keybed which is the same as organs like the Mojo 61. However, I was surprised at how stiff the action was. I ended up swapping the key springs with an M-Audio Keystation 61-ES. I think this might use the Fatar TP/9 synth keybed.  That reduced the Keydown by 10g - not huge but it feels a lot better for smears etc. The Prophet 6 uses a variant of the TP/9 There has been much interest in the UB-Xa and some people are unhappy with the lightness of the keyboard so here are my unscientific results: Model No 1ps 3.56g Weight in grams needed to move key from rest White Key Length mm C-C 1 octave mm Nord E6D 15p 53 To the LH edge of the C key Prophet 6 14p 49 136 164 UB-Xa 8p 29 136 164 Behringer Odyssey 6p 21 138 164 So the Electro  with  new springs is very close to the Prophet 6 but the UB-Xa is 20g lighter than the P6. It would definitely be worth replacing the springs if they are the same size as Fatars. They are easy to replace - just ca...