ELECTROBOX for the Nord Electro 5/6

Arduino and the development of ElectroBox

I already had experience of Arduino when I built a drawbar controller to use with Hammond apps like VB-3 and B-3x. The original code for this came from GMLabs D9U project and Guido Scognamiglio posted all the info on GitHub:


GSi Homepage

GM Lab


I have implemented an LFO which cyclically adds or subtracts values from the Pitch Bend data. This is basically a software generated triangle wave LFO that is added to the Pitch Bend output. Crude but effective. The LFO is generated from a wavetable so it would very easy to have a number of different waveforms such as square or saw. The pots are programmable and there is an input for an expression pedal.

Pitch Wheel option with expression pedal input

ElectroBox V2 - joystick version

Thumbwheel/Joystick version housed in a stompbox enclosure

Feature list:
  • Joystick X-axis for Pitch Bend +/- 2 semitones
  • Joystick Y-+ve axis for Modulation (vibrato)
  • Assignable control of one parameter on the Nord using the Y -ve axis of the stick
  • Assignable control retained in memory
  • Triangle wave LFO with rate control
  • Mono/Poly switch - with last note retrigger in Mono Mode
  • Split switch - freely split Internal/External zones on the fly
  • Flip Split switch - sets external to lower and internal to upper
  • Program Advance input - requires a foot switch
  • Bypass switch - bypasses all functions except Program Advance
  • MIDI in/out on 5pin DIN 
  • Extra MIDI out for external synths
  • Extra channel can be set from 1-16 and is stored in memory
  • Control knobs for CC71 (res) and CC74 (cut off)
  • USB powered
  • High quality aluminium stomp box style enclosure
  • Original Nord knobs 

Note the 2 rotary pots for additional control

I picked up a Roland bender on eBay last week. I always preferred the bender for performance despite being less versatile than 2 wheels. I tried to fit into the PW box but there wasn't space.
Roland Bender

So.... thinking outside the box!

Bender fitted in place of the Pitch Wheel

At some point I will rehouse it in a proper enclosure.
