UB-Xa Editor V5


NOTE: To keep old DL links the same the filenames say V3 but they are the updated V5 versions.

All files have been scanned with AVG Antivirus. The editor is free and comes with no warranties. Play at your own risk. You will need to grant access in Security and Privacy on the Mac  as I am unknown developer :(

Mac versions were built on an iMac running Catalina. Plugins tested with Live 10, Logic 10.6 and Cubase LE 10.5. The plugins were compiled using Reaper. Users report that the standalone app works on later M1 Macs but the  plugins do not. YMMV

PC version was built on VM running Windows 7 Home Basic, but I have tested it on Windows 10 and it works fine - YMMV

You have to give permission (Trust) in Windows 10 to run this app.

UPDATE V-5.115

Redesigned the Atrophy Profile area. Remember always turn Edit Adv to ON or your changes will have no effect and not be stored. You can now save the name of the Atrophy stored in the Patch preset. It's only 6 letters - remember to press WRITE on the UB-Xa to save it.

New File functions and Side Panel parameters

Atrophy update

I discovered the Atrophy Recall was a bit flaky so the Atrophy settings now load with the patch even if they are not stored in the patch. This keeps Atrophy settings  in sync with every patch. As I was sorting this out I thought it would be fun to add an Atrophy Macro Controller. All this does is let you edit a section or even all the parameters at once. The results are unpredictable so you can only use it when the Atrophy save location is set to Patch - that way you can't completely screw up your atrophy profile.

I also added  additional file functions so you can now save and load Current Program. This lets you load UB-Xa patches from commercial developers like Ultimate Patches

The final update is the Side Panel. These can be saved with the patch so when you load a Current Program the Side Panel will update too. Great for accessing the hidden features of the Performance LFO like tempo lock and key trig.

This is the latest and probably the last version. It is V5 but I have renamed it V3 to keep the links the same.

  • Reduced SysEx data requests to just patch changes rather than whole bank transfers
  • Fast transfer of all 512 patch names using Get Patch Names button 
  • Load/Save Patches, Current, Split-Double and Banks  - refresh patch names to update patch list
  • Load and Save Atrophy Profiles
  • Expanded the number of Global parameters to include Pedals
  • Expanded Portamento control section
  • Upper and Lower Bank Patch lists 
  • Easy to set Upper and Lower voices
  • Correctly scaled values for on screen rotary controls
  • More Shift functions are available - including ARP Swing that does nothing...yet?
  • There are a couple of new ARP controls but they do not work and are disabled
  • Link to the online manual (on this blog)
  • Matrix editor view has new look
  • Toned down colour scheme with more grey and less blue and red
  • Tested on Mac Catalina and Windows 10
  • Picked up and fixed a few more bugs
Please read the comments section at the bottom of the page for latest information

Windows 10

Get some of my UB-Xa patches here: 

Example of storing Pan in a Preset - Pan is an Atrophy setting. This example uses 4 patches Jump Right. Jump Left, Jump 1-8 Left + 9-16 Right then Alternate LR.

This is a clip from my phone showing the Pan settings in the UB-Xa changing as each patch is recalled.


The latest version is actually V4 but to preserve the links I've renamed it V3.You can just rename it to V4 once you have downloaded it.
V4 is using the original SysEx dump routines that V1 used. This is more efficient as the editor doesn't request or send SysEx on a patch change. The difference is that in V2 editor controls were always in sync with the UB-Xa. In this version you have to update the patch after a Write if you want the editor to stay in sync. It will then request the Sysex for that patch. You can see when Sysex is being transmitted or received because the Preset Recall buttons light up.
Andi Vax said…
Charlie, thank you for your titanic work! Preset/Bank Import and Export will be great! )
Thanks for the feedback. Yes import/export would be a good feature. The UB-Xa Sysex is a bit of a mess but saving and loading banks should be doable - maybe next month....
Andi Vax said…
Thank you for your answer, Charlie! Import/Export of Presets and Banks and Send/Receive current patch will be very useful addition!
MFB Tunes said…
Is it possible to make a VST3 version for M1 MACOS?
Sorry no can do as I'm just running an old 2013 iMac :(
MFB Tunes said…
I can do it for you if you like? btw it is a perfect editor and this version is great. No need to dump the patch banks, great job.
Behringer have updated the Lower voice prog change on Upper channel so this version now works properly in Split - Double mode. You need to set MDI channel to All in the MIDI Menu. Unless I find a serious bug this is the last version. It's been quite a journey that involved lot of work on sorting out their messy sysex, figuring checksums etc. But I see there is pro editor out now so I'm going to get back to what I should be doing .. making NOISE!!!
I decided over the weekend to add Patch Load and Save options. There are a few error checking routines in there and the file handling seems OK. You can also load a bank of 128 patches. Someone has reported that the previous version is working on M2 Mac with OS 14.6.1. I have also tested it on Windows 10.
Andi Vax said…
GREAT news! Preset/Bank save and load will help sound designers A LOT! Thank you!
French Chris said…
Hi! The latest version works fine, but I did a wrong manipulation. Do you know how I can retrieve the parameters of Factory Atrophy? Thank you! Christian
French Chris said…
It's OK, Charlie gave the solution... Thanks !
French Chris said…
Great great job, it's a real pleasure to use your soft ! Congratulations on your patience and knowledge !
Going to release an update over the weekend. Mostly sorting out the Performance LFO settings. It took a while to figure out where these were buried but having a 2nd LFO is such a useful feature especially when you use the mods.
Andi Vax said…
wow! is it a "hidden" LFO?
No its just the Performance LFO but there is no obvious way to access the LFO mods which are so useful esp Tempo Lock
I have finished the Side Panel Performance LFO mods update. Just to confirm this is simply giving you access to the Performance LFO mods. They are the same ones as the regular LFO: Track, Env, Tempo Lock and Retrig. You can use the Performance LFO in the Mod Matrix if you are not using it for regular Pitch Mod from the side panel. I have also decided to add a transmission speed control - this is the same as the one on the TEO-5 editor. At present the SYSEX dumps are sent as one block with no breaks so it might be a good idea to insert a short delay between each message. Watch this space.
French Chris said…
The latest version edited on December 23rd works wonderfully, thanks for the Christmas gift!
Great! Thanks for letting me know.