
Showing posts from December, 2024

UB-Xa Editor Manual

 Introduction The Mac versions have been tested on Catalina 10.15 but users of later Macs report it runs as a standalone app on M1 and later. The plugins do not run on Silicon. PC versions have been built on Windows 7 and tested on Windows 10. Special thanks to  RomanKubiak  who developed CTRLR. The editor is free and without warranty. I accept no liability for loss or damage. However, MIDI messages are unlikely your damage your synth and you can always do a firmware reset if you have problems. SETUP The UB-Xa uses NPRN and SysEx messages to communicate with the editor. NPRNs need to be enabled on the UB-Xa. Press SHIFT + ASSIGNABLE PRESET 1 to load the USB-MIDI menu. Scroll to Local Ctrl and enable [X] ProgChangeRx, ProgChangeTx, NPRNTx and NPRNRx. Then select the USB Ctrl menu enable USB NPRNTx and NRPNRx. To make things simple the editor uses Channel 1 for the Upper Voice and Channel 2 for the Lower Voice. This is the default setting. Use the USB-MIDI menu to check Chan In and Out i

TEO-5 Editor Manual

 Introduction The TEO-5 editor was built using CTRLR 5.3.198 for Mac and on PC. The Mac versions have been tested on Catalina 10.15 but users of later Macs report it runs as a standalone app on M1 and later. The plugins do not run on Silicon. PC versions have been built on Windows 7 and tested on Windows 10. Special thanks to  RomanKubiak  who developed CTRLR. The editor is free and without warranty. I accept no liability for loss or damage. However, MIDI messages are unlikely your damage your synth and you can always do a firmware reset if you have problems. Installation MIDI Setup