TC Electronics M350 CTRLR Panel

New panel - much neater and follows the rack controls do does not take up much screen space. Also added a Channel selector. I have 2 units so I can address each one separately -  wooooo!


Development notes and early versions

I got the Sys Ex messages from here Useful M350 Sysex info. I was able to create a CTRLR panel. Program change will of course recall all the parameters but a really useful feature is the Sysex Receive function. When this is lit any adjustment to the front panel are transmitted - it just makes it easier to use.

Link for M350 V4 CTRLR Panel

Big update for this panel! With V5 you can now name and save Presets so you don't have to rely on a 2 digit number anymore!!!

I have 2 M350s one is set to Channel 2 and the other on Channel 3.

SysEx Messages

F0 00 20 1F ch 58 mm <data> CS F7

ch is Midi Channel 0 - 15

mm is the message

CS or CheckSum is the sum of all the bytes after the header 

CS is then calculated

CS = sum mod 128 or sum % 128

Which gives the remainder after division by 128
